I voted to keep the current flag because I would like to preserve history.
My original assigned student's blog was not up and running so I chose to check out Mariana's avatar. She chose hers to resemble her. She also mentions how she loves animals so she put a pair of binoculars so she could see the animals better.She also has maps with her avatar because she is adventurous. I told her that I also love animals and that I am adventurous too. I suggested that she always keep a little bit of the adventurous nature about her and that she stay a great friend and never be afraid to make new friends.
For this post I listened to 2 poems from the winners of a Poetry recital. One poem was read bu Krishant and the other by Sienna. Both students did a wonderful job telling their poetry while being recorded. Krishant had lots of hand movements that went right along with his poem.
On c4k 6 I had two different students who I responded to. The first Katlyn loved ice cream and on her post had given a recipe for homemade ice cream. I told her how I loved it too. And that this recipe was good but a little messy and a little more complicated than the recipe made it look. The second student was Cayleigh. She had written a post on hair and how it helps insulate our body. I told her that her statement about bees having hair on their eyes was fascinating and then I continued to ask her if she knew what hair was made of and then I answered it.
C4K # 7
I commented on Wesley's blog. He had to give a lesson in front of his class about absolute age of rocks. He said at first he was extremely nervous and that he wasn't able to find much information about his subject. Afterwards the teacher told him he did a good job, Wesley also said he learned more doing it that way than he felt like he would listening in class. Wesley also replied to another person's comment saying that he realized he wasn't afraid of public speaking anymore. I gave him a suggestion to help reduce the anxiety before speaking in front of a group of people and also suggested that he do it as often as he can the more the better he will be.
I was assigned Enyahlee for this week’s assignment. She blog post this week was about the Aukland sky tower and how some people like to jump from the top of it. She said that she would be too scared to jump off the top of the building because it is the tallest in the city. I told her I most likely would not jump off of the top either. I also told her she did a great job creating the animation for her post.
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