I like many other in my class chose to complete the E-media fasting for my Blog 13 assignment. I however did allow one phone call to my husband as he is out of town on business. Other than this I completed this task without difficulty. Leaving the electronic media out of my life for 24 hours was actually easier than I expected it to be. By not being focused on my computer I was able to "gut clean" my house. I also played with my almost 8 year old. I have decided after doing this fasting I will permit myself "x" number of hours on the computer, a number to which has not been decided yet, and most likely it will be after I have the kids to be. The only time this may be altered is when I am working on school work. The only thing I really did miss was the radio. I love to sing along with the radio while cleaning my house.
I knew this assignment would not be hard because besides the computer and cell phones I don't use many electronic devices. If I had to go more than 24 hours however without my phone it would be much harder because that is how I stay in touch with all of my family whom live more than 6 hours away.
I think it would have been neat to do the e-media fast but I chose to do the book report instead. I probably would have cleaned up my room as well but would have missed listening to the radio. I think that we are too centered around technologies like computers and video games and setting a limit to the amount of time you spend on these technologies is a great idea. Great post!