Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog 12- create an assignment

An assignment idea might would be to have each student to reflect on technology literacy and see how their ideas on this subject might have changed thus so far. After reflecting write a short summary on this topic. Also after learning about many of the technologies that we can use maybe which ones we like the most and how we would use in the classroom to connect to our students/parents.

I still think that it is very important to know not only about technology but how to use it. As it is said by Ms. Cassidy in her skype interview technology of 5 years ago is not good enough but you need to stay current. Today technology changes nearly every day.
Of the technologies that we have learned about in the class I think that the blogs and smartboards are the most beneficial along with having a website in which you can incorporate podcast and skype interviews with professionals the kids might not otherwise get to talk with. Blogs are beneficial to keep in touch with parents as well. Websites allow you to gather all your links to one "safe" place for the students to be able to go to and gain the information you want them to get without so much risk for "bad" websites.


  1. Hi Amanda
    I think that your idea for an assignment is great. It would really give someone a great chance to look up thinks about technology. This idea would also give them a chance to see the reason we need technology as teachers. This is a great post.

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I also think that your idea is a great one. I also like what you said about being able to use it properly once we know about it. It is not good enough just to have knowledge of it but we need to be able to utilize what we know. The world of technology is ever changing and it is important for us to keep up with these things as educators. Good post !! :)
