Sunday, October 30, 2011

C4T 3

For my C4T 3 I was assigned Dean Shareski. He was actually teaching himself how to play guitar. Also on his post were links to several of his students blogs where they had been assigned learn yourself subject. One link was a student was learning how to speak Japanese. He had been struggling but was find time during the day to teach himself short phrases. Another link that was on the page was a student teaching herself how to crochet. Having attempted this myself and failed miserable I commented to her encouraging her to continue trying and working on it. I also commented to Mr. Dean that I thought it was awesome that he was self teaching himself how to play the guitar and that I was from a musical family but that I personally did not inherit those musical genes. I look forward to seeing his students progress along with his. I think his afterthought message on the post was that teachers come in all shapes and sizes and if we are open to it then we can learn almost anywhere.
Guitar Lesson 5 Dean Shareski

I was in awe at the thought of his second post that I read off Mr. Shareski's blog. This was about not asking people what the want but suggesting to people what they want. In other words, I think he was trying to say was many people really don't know what they want until someone suggests or puts it in front of them. Mr. Shareski thinks this is also the pattern that education is following and we need to get the students involved more than they are on a normal basis. The idea of not asking what people want actually came from a blog post by the former Steve Jobs. They were questioning the public about what they wanted from a new computer. The answer were always better/faster/cheaper this also went along with what most teachers want for their students,better test scores.

Blog 10- Educate/Teach/Pencil integration

Joshua Bloom created a movie discussing the differences or the likes of two words that are used interchangeably in the education field; these words are teach and educate. Mr. Bloom, in his video, shows the definitions of each word respectively. In my opinion, I believe he thinks teaching is the action of educating. At the same time Mr. Bloom also makes me feel like educating is our main goal. We want to empower our students.
His video was short but very inspiring and could be used for those classes who have students that think they want to go into the education field for their major. It is a video that can bring up a wonderful discussion on what you think the differences are between "Teach" and "Educate". You can visit his video at Do you Teach or Education:

After reading Tom Johnson's Adventures in Pencil Integration blog, I began to think how one of the teachers focused on the problem were they other focused on finding a solution to the problem. It is important to look at test scores and try to help the students better themselves. There are some students that are wonderful and can stay involved with their education at home and at school. I thought it was awesome how one of the teachers thought of new ways to help the students in lower income areas to stay focused on their education rather than being taken down a path of drugs and violence that is so often followed in that situation. Follow his post at Pencil Integration: and tell me what you think.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 9 - McClung

As I was reading Mr. McClung's post from the very first year he taught I was amazed at how much he learned about himself and how he can have even a better year next year. I commented on his post telling him how I agree that students should be treated like the individuals they are along with making sure each student learns the curriculum. His main points in the 2009 blog was
1. read the crowd flexible
3. communicate
4. be reasonable
5. don't be afraid of technology
6. listen to the students
7.never stop learning.

Check his blog out at At the Teacher's Desk: What I've Learned This Year:

The second year of reflection blog was much like the first but at the same time he was able to learn even more about himself. Mr. McClung talks about how he had to do some major adaptations from his previous year at the middle school to a junior high mentality. Another great suggestion he makes is to find a "school mom". This is a person that you can basically buddy up, figure out how the school works, the routine of the school and all the ins and outs that a new teacher would need to know. Another suggestion is checking your ego. This is another thing that I had not even thought about but it is a very helpful suggestion. "Don't be a control Freak" is the next suggestion he adds to his list. Teachers have to learn how to make/allow the students to be a part of the lesson and to do so teachers need to be able to adapt to unexpected delays. McClung also tells us to "not loose sight of what's important". He tells about a situation he dealt with but in short leave your personal troubles at the door and focus on your students and the day's assignments. His last part of the blog basically talks about how he continues to grow as an educator and will always try to learn and improve from his mistakes.

I hope to be much like Mr. McClung in the fact that every year I grow as a teacher/educator. I want to be able to say I made a difference in every student's life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog 8

We are able to multitask anywhere and everywhere. He talks about how research now can now be done without ever stepping foot in a library or actually reading physical books. We have virtual books now. Also he shows how we can communicate and and put together not only written documents but sound documents and visual documents made only of information off the web and the information that was circulated around the university.

In part two he talks about computers/laptops is where we work and do most of our research . “Ideas don’t belong to us individually but to as a culture” . Talks about a future of not necessarily composing ideas on a word processing program but composing documentary using new programs such as the one he and his partner are learning how to use. Talks about how the new technologies and the availabilities of new programs make thoughts and ideas more easily accessible and can push to a much wider audience now. In the Looking Ahead portion of his talk he talks about how people are now using the web to compose new things. New ideas and creative ways of aggregating information on all parts of the world.

I enjoyed listening to both parts of his clips. Dr. Miller has surely put much thought and reasearch time to back all of his points. I do agree with his statement about needed to create a way to develop a curriculum to help teach students how to use and how to write using the new technologies. I know that one day all this will be possible with the giant leaps we are already making it is only a matter of time.

I really enjoyed ready Carly’s post. She is such a creative, smart, and intelligeint young lady. She has definitely raised the bar for me. I thought I had set the bar high already but reading her post I realized it still needs to be raised more. I love every single one of her video clips. I think her idea of making this an assignment is wonderful but extremely time consuming. It is a wonderful idea because it makes you look internally at what you want and how you want to help those students who you will have in your classroom. Also as a teacher you need to know you own personal philosophy that way you can grow and change as you become a more experienced teacher.

I enjoyed both of these videos. The first The Chipper Series was cute. A little long but had a very good message at the end. The second clip EDM310 for Dummies was halarious. So far I have not had many of those frustrating times only when I “procrastinate” and then I have to do everything in one or two days. But that is no fault but my own. As for videos that I think I could create and be beneficial I would like to do something trying to show how to set up a blogger account. Doing some tutorials for different crafts that I enjoy doing. Also reading books and turning them into movies for my future students.

All this time we have been discussing how technology is changing how we teach and learn, this video reemphasizes all this again and takes it one step further. I am going to be honest and say that before this video I truly had not been aware of how much change the school system structure with have to undertake in order to accommodate most of the new technologies we have been talking about over the last few weeks. I am not sure how most school are but I feel unless we do things to help with our own communities and unless the federal system really gets on the ball the education systems in America will go down hill. I know the new technologies cost money to incorporate so due a few test cases and see how much it helps and then start slowly incorporating into all the classrooms starting at the top working your way down to the lowest grades. I feel very strongly this needs to be encouraged by teachers of today and of the future. Computers and other technologies are such a part of children’s lives (of every one's life) that a statement made on the video “ when you shut off a computer/ cell phone you essentially shut off that student” really made me realize that this is really true and in a way sad.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

C4T 2

My assigned teacher this week was Miquel Guhlin. His post this week was about a new study hall. In his post he talked about how there is a new application for Facebook that allows students to work on math and all kinds of other projects. I was really amazed at this. In fact just last week I was telling my husband how I wish there was a math Facebook so I could ask a million questions on how to finish my homework. I found out today that there is! Having two children growing up in the technology advanced age I must stay on top of topics such as these. I was very thankful that Mr. Guhlin posted this post.
The second blog posting was what blogging had meant to Mr. Guhlin. When he originally started his blog he was clueless, much like I am now, on how many people it would eventually connect him to. Mr. Guhlin states that he is now very active on his blog for many reasons. A few that he mentions is that he wants to help promote that positive change in the classroom and feels like connecting to many people that share that idea can help promote that. Also he mentions how after several months of working on his blog he became aware of the massive amount of connections that can and could be made. He tells on his blog post that he is now connected with many bright minds in the education fields of today. I really like how he ends his post with a phrase from Spiderman. And his question “Given the choice between being steady or being a rock star or hero, which would you choose?” was a very thoughtful question. To answer his question I would have to choose “steady”. I want for others to look at me and know that I am steady and confident and that I don’t always have to be center of attention.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blog 7- Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch started his lecture by giving a brief history of what was going on his life. He was battled cancerous tumors that have taken over the majority of his body. He goes on to talk about what they are going to discuss in this lecture. Three things he mentions are his childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of other and lessons learned.
Mr. Pausch talks about his childhood dreams. On his Power-point presentation he gives a list of his childhood dreams. Pausch states that it is very important to have specific dreams. He emphasizes fundamentals by telling a story about his experience with a football coach. Randy makes a very powerful statement “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” This is very true and a great way to put it. Randy also tells his audience about the side effects of doing team sports, not only do we learn how to play a sport but also we learn about team work, good sportsmanship and many other great qualities that are necessary as a child grows up into an adult. Randy makes a very good point about brick walls. He says “Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things”.
The second part of his lecture is talking about how to enable other’s childhood dreams. Always be open to see children’s dreams. Not only dreams but a person can help one another achieve their own dreams but listening and helping. Always be encouraging to others.
The third part of the lecture is Lesson Learned. It is a part of the parent’s role to help encourage and help the children through life. There are several other people that help us in our journey of life. He mentions four others: teachers, mentors, friends, and colleagues. He advises to never lose the
“childhood wonder”. I think this is a wonderful statement because we should always keep a little bit of a child’s spirit it will help us get through the rough patches. He also talks about loyalty being a two way street. Never give up is another piece of advice Randy gave us, and it is a wonderful piece for everyone to follow. Every person needs help. Randy also suggests focusing on others, always apologizing when you are wrong. Randy also suggested always find your critics and listen to them. Always show gratitude for the people that you work with. Never complain. Be good at something, find the good side of people, be patient, and be prepared.
I clicked on the link to tour Randy’s childhood bedroom. I found it very interesting. Randy was interested in many things and had a wonderful imagination. I think that this imagination help build his career in virtual reality.
Towards the end of the video he says another great quote by Steve “Don’t bail; the best gold is a the bottom of barrels of crap”. This is awesome! When things are not going the way I intended them to go, this statement lets in a little light and makes it not so bad.
The entire lecture is about living your life the right way and Randy basically dedicated this lecture to his three kids. This lecture was done in the fall of 2007 not knowing he would not be around in a years’ time. This video was both emotional and very informative. I hope that I can take some of the things he talked about and implement them in my life not only as a student and a future teacher but as a wife and as a mother of two beautiful girls.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Project 10- My PLN

My PLN is still a work in progress. I think that it will always be a work in progress because as I find interesting new websites to go on I will add them as I see fit. I am using symbaloo and I am finding it quite easy to work with but I still prefer to use bookmarks if they are categorized correctly. As this class continues I know there will be more and more cites that go on my symbaloo page.

Timeline Timetoast- Project 9b

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog 6- The networked student

Wendy Drexler explains to us how our role as future teachers are broadening. We will be teaching what will be considered “networked students”. A networked student refers to students that are connected through a variety of social networks and professional sources and can educate him or herself through these connections. The biggest challenge according to Ms. Drexler will be teaching these students and ourselves how to properly manage the information we see.

Our role in this will be helping the students learn how to navigate through all of the bad information and organize the quality information they have found using networks. The video uses the term “connectivism” which is a theory that students/people learn from the social networks and connections they make through those networks.

The idea of “connectivism” and “networked students” are both excited and a little scary for me to think about. I look forward to being able to teach my students how to access, manage, and learn from all the useful information that is out there on the web. It is scary however because I still have some problems with organization sometimes.

Getting to create new things and learn new things is always exciting. Getting to do it on a computer makes it that much more exciting. Students today have many more ways to gaining knowledge. When I was a student we were simply told to do the work now as long as the work gets completed it doesn't matter how it gets done, students have a chance to do it "their" way and to used their creative personalities to get the work done.
I understand the cutting back of paper in the classroom and this is a wonderful way of doing that. Creating a PLN you don't need pencil and you don't need paper. Students are able to find all the information the need out on the web and place it on their personal page. However with the huge amount of information out there we must remind the students to stay focused and not get sidetracked.

My PLN still needs much work but I am working slowly on expanding it. For the most part I use bookmarks and keep myself organized with the categories within bookmarks. I am attempting to add these bookmarked cites to symbaloo.