Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 9 - McClung

As I was reading Mr. McClung's post from the very first year he taught I was amazed at how much he learned about himself and how he can have even a better year next year. I commented on his post telling him how I agree that students should be treated like the individuals they are along with making sure each student learns the curriculum. His main points in the 2009 blog was
1. read the crowd
2.be flexible
3. communicate
4. be reasonable
5. don't be afraid of technology
6. listen to the students
7.never stop learning.

Check his blog out at At the Teacher's Desk: What I've Learned This Year:

The second year of reflection blog was much like the first but at the same time he was able to learn even more about himself. Mr. McClung talks about how he had to do some major adaptations from his previous year at the middle school to a junior high mentality. Another great suggestion he makes is to find a "school mom". This is a person that you can basically buddy up, figure out how the school works, the routine of the school and all the ins and outs that a new teacher would need to know. Another suggestion is checking your ego. This is another thing that I had not even thought about but it is a very helpful suggestion. "Don't be a control Freak" is the next suggestion he adds to his list. Teachers have to learn how to make/allow the students to be a part of the lesson and to do so teachers need to be able to adapt to unexpected delays. McClung also tells us to "not loose sight of what's important". He tells about a situation he dealt with but in short leave your personal troubles at the door and focus on your students and the day's assignments. His last part of the blog basically talks about how he continues to grow as an educator and will always try to learn and improve from his mistakes.

I hope to be much like Mr. McClung in the fact that every year I grow as a teacher/educator. I want to be able to say I made a difference in every student's life.


  1. Hey Amanda!

    I haven't done my blog post 9 yet. However, after reading yours I am excited about reading Mr. McClung's post. I strongly agree that teachers should improve year by year by learning from the previous year. As you said, I hope to grow year to year as a better teacher/educator. Your blog post was great! keep up the good work.

  2. Amanda,

    I also haven't done my Blog Post #9. I ended up in the hospital and had to have gall bladder surgery last week. I am currently working on this weeks assignments and I really loved reading your post and I look forward to viewing Mr. McClung's post very soon.

    I am an ex-teacher who has been a stay at home mom and I am currently getting re-certified. Therefore, I have already experienced most of what Mr. McClung is talking about.

    All new teachers feel awful because it is such a hard job the first year or two. Teachers shouldn't quit without giving it a few years to "click" because once it does....it is so wonderful!

    Also, teaching for nine years made a better mother! I already knew so much about kids and how they operate!

    One last thing I would add to his list is...
    Learn how to laugh at yourself!

  3. Amanda,
    Good post! I feel like you should add more of yourself in it though. Don't summarize, personalize! Add more of your inferences, opinions, conjectures, objections, observations, etc. Shake it up! :)
