Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog 10- Educate/Teach/Pencil integration

Joshua Bloom created a movie discussing the differences or the likes of two words that are used interchangeably in the education field; these words are teach and educate. Mr. Bloom, in his video, shows the definitions of each word respectively. In my opinion, I believe he thinks teaching is the action of educating. At the same time Mr. Bloom also makes me feel like educating is our main goal. We want to empower our students.
His video was short but very inspiring and could be used for those classes who have students that think they want to go into the education field for their major. It is a video that can bring up a wonderful discussion on what you think the differences are between "Teach" and "Educate". You can visit his video at Do you Teach or Education:

After reading Tom Johnson's Adventures in Pencil Integration blog, I began to think how one of the teachers focused on the problem were they other focused on finding a solution to the problem. It is important to look at test scores and try to help the students better themselves. There are some students that are wonderful and can stay involved with their education at home and at school. I thought it was awesome how one of the teachers thought of new ways to help the students in lower income areas to stay focused on their education rather than being taken down a path of drugs and violence that is so often followed in that situation. Follow his post at Pencil Integration: and tell me what you think.

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