Kelly Hines
Ms. Hines seems like she is very current on the new technologies of today but also wants to do things that are best for her students. I agree with the first of the four things she listed that is a must for effectively impacting students of today's technological advances.
The first part of her list she says that Teachers need to be learners. In my opinion we never stop learning at any age. We always need to be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. At the same time the easy way is not always the best way to get something accomplished. The second item on her list is "Learning and teaching are not always the same". This is so true and the examples of pushing a rock and it doesn't move there is no work done was a great way of showing how this happens. Many times students do not learn something right off the bat. It is after teaching and reiterating the same information over a period of time the the students may finally learn it. One thing as teachers we must remember is that all students do not learn the same way or at the same speed. The third item on her list is "Technology is useless without good teaching". She mentions the whiteboards that are found more and more in today's classrooms and the fact that some teachers take advantage of the new technology and some do not. Technology itself is not what makes a teacher great it is the teacher him/herself that is great and utilizes the technology to its fullest. The fourth item on her list was "Be a 21st teacher without the technology". In today's society, people rely on computers to help them make decisions. If a teacher can teach a student to think critically and learn how to solve problems on their own than that student will be better off than the student who relies fully on technology.
Karl Fisch
It is not okay to be a technology illiterate teacher in today's world. Technology is there to help us improve our ways of teaching materials and giving the students new and different ways of learning the material we present.
Mr. Fisch makes several very strong statements about teachers that don't event take the time to learn the new technology and to actually use it in the classroom setting. I remember in I was in high school when things where really starting to move toward using technology more and more that some teachers loved using it and some had such a hard time with that they stopped in the middle of class and went back to the old way of teaching.
Gary Hayes
The counter that Mr. Hayes had on his website was astonishing. I new that the world used those items very frequently but I had no idea that that much information was being retreived and sent out in the vast amounts that was shown. It definitely shows how we have gone to a world of using and communicated with huge amounts of information very quickly.
A Vision of Students today
The clip featured here was extremely interesting. The video clip mentioned 26.5 hours which is already more hours then are in a day. When I was in Nursing School I calculated up how many hours I put in studying, sitting in class, and working: amazingly it was over 100 hours a week this did not include eating, sleeping, taking care of my child, housework or any other extra curricular that I was currently doing but still I kept my grades high. Towards the end of the clip it mentions how people don't pay attention in class and instead use those high tech toys for face-book or working on other things that don't pertain to the class they are in. This is so true in many cases I have seen people sitting in history or science classes chatting with the friends and distracting people that actually care about class. The last question the clip asks us is "writing on a chalkboard" and then asks what is it missing and list things such as animation, music, photos and other things. Education is about learning and while I like to have a little fun while I am learning new concepts the biggest and most important thing is that I (we) learn the information that is presented to us at all levels.
"... and some had such a hard time with that they stopped in the middle of class and went back to the old way of teaching. " Any current information on how (or if) they have adapted to the changes we are experiencing?
ReplyDelete"I new that the world used those items very frequently but I had no idea that that much information was being retreived and sent out in the vast amounts that was shown. " I am not certain I understand what you were trying to say in this sentence.
Why do students not "pay attention in class and instead use those high tech toys for face-book or working on other things that don't pertain to the class they are in"?
" the biggest and most important thing is that I (we) learn the information that is presented to us at all levels." Learning information is the most important outcome of an education?
Most of those teachers I mentioned are no longer teaching. They were of retirement age or the school system let them go for various reasons. So unfortunately I cannot answer that question.
ReplyDeleteAs for the second comment what I was trying to say here was simply. I was amazed at how much information travels back and forth via internet.
I can say unfortunately I have been this student at one time or another. I can only speak for myself. When I am not paying attention or doing work for a particular class on my laptop it is usually because I have a lot on my mind and cannot stay focused at any task at hand. Either I'm worried about a sick family member or wondering if my two babies are okay at their daycare. This was me about a year ago. I have learned that if I get behind in class because I have not paid attention is it extra hard to catch up. So when I catch myself getting sidetracked I do something to get me focused again. As for everyone else. I don't know why they use their laptops for non class work.
I agree with your question. "Learning" is the most important outcome of education. What I was trying to convey here is that we learn something new everyday. But somethings are presented to us in a way that we cannot learn them the way we need to.
Amanda, can you go to your blog design settings and change the font for your blog text? It is very hard to read.
ReplyDeleteAnthony. I did as you asked. Is this font any better? or do I need to make it bigger. I have everything zoomed on my computer so it is hard to see how big things are on here sometimes.